TCP header fields
It consists upon approx. 9 fields.
1. Source Port
2. Destination port
3. Sequence number
4. Acknowledgement
5. Header length
6. Flag
7. Checksum
8. Urgent Pointer
9. Options
Source port: It refers port number of the sender.
Destination port: It refers to the port number of the receiver.
Sequence number: It is used to set a number to each TCP packet so that the packet’s stream properly send or receive. It is later use in acknowledgement field to acknowledge that the perticular packet is sent.
Ackowledgement: It is used to confirm that the spefic sequence numbered packet is received.
Header length: It refers the length of the segment which have to transmit.
Flag: These are the obe bit boolean fields used to control the trasnmission of the data accress the TCP connections.
Some flags are: SYN, FIN, RESET, PUSH, URG, ACK
Checksum: It is used to error free communication. It makes sure that the all the data is received on the destination without any error or distortion.
Urgent Pointer: It point which are the urgent bits to send, these urget bits are processed as fast as posible than others. Urgent pointers are used by URG flag, which indicate that some bits have more
Option: It is a variable field which may consist upon the various optional headers.
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