HTTP cookie

What is cookie

An HTTP cookie is a small size text file sent from a web server and stored in the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the web server to notify the user's previous activity in the whole website.

What is could store

  • Your activity on the website (all navigation)
  • Your shopping items
  • Your enter passwords
  • Your Credit card numbers and pin
  • Web contents
Can any web server see any cookie from web browser

No,cookies are given to a browser by the server. The browser reveals the cookies as applicable only to the domain that provided the cookie in the first place.

Why as it develop

Initially it is develop to monitor the two or many requests sent from one browser, later on it become much useful in authentication and other purposes. 

Format of cookie

Set-Cookie: <em>value</em>[; expires=<em>date</em>][; domain=<em>domain</em>][; path=<em>path</em>][; secure]

check my cookies


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