Cache Server

It is a kind of server which use an static IP and entertain the client's requests.cache server is a dedicated network server or service acting as a server that saves Web pages or other Internet content locally

It is placed at the switch, all the client firstly send request to the cache server, if the cache server has that particular page, it entertains the client without going to the internet. If the cache server has not that specific page, it sends request to the that particular page's server (over the internet) to get the data. When data is received the cache server entertain the client and also store that page to its database for later use. The stored pages in the cache sever check the last modify date before give to the client, if the page is updated by the server, the cache server itself get the latest updated page and then provide for the user. It is also called proxy server or sub-sever.

Why we use cache servers:

  • It saves the time to get data from server everytime.
  • It offers volume restrictions and others managerial authorities.
  • Use to secure the main server.
  • If imposes the filter to websites.
  • It is used in ISP.
  • It limits the out goings.


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