Domain, Title and Description SEO

  • Find Primary Keyword
    • Find the keyword form Keyword tools
      • Primary keyword must be directly related to website topic
      • The most visited keyword should be the primary keyword
      • The primary keyword note in a text file for remember
  • Find Secondary keywords
    • Find the second best keywords from the tools
    • The most visited keyword should be as the secondary keywords
    • The secondary keywords may in 5 to 8
    • The primary keyword note in a text file for remember
  • Decide the Title of website
    • Try to decide a title of  website from primary keyword or secondry keywords e.g. Primary keyword is SEO the name may be SEO tips / DO SEO / Let's SEO/ SEO tutorial
  • Get Domain
    • Get the domian from the Primary or secondary keyword such as if taking above example / etc
  • Write description
    • Write the lines for the explanations of the website which is most important for grab the user.


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