Validation Vs Verification

The validation refers to check whether the software is according to the customer’s requirement or not. Validation helps in building the accurate product as per the customer’s requirement and helps in satisfying their needs. The Validation is taken by testing team or the quality control department of the organization. Validation is done during testing like feature testing, integration testing, system testing, load testing, compatibility testing, stress testing. 

It uses following methods:
1.       Black box testing
2.       White box testing
3.       Gray box testing

The verification refers to the check that is the work on specific phase of development is according to the requirements of that particular phase. It is carried out by the quality assurance team or quality assurance department. In the verification Plans, Requirements, Designs, Codes and etc are checked to determine the duality of the project. 

Verification uses following methods:
1.       Reviews
2.       Walkthroughs
3.       Inspections
4.       Desk- checking


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