Ready-Made CV | Curriculum Vitae


Ready-made CV

Select your favorite one and download it. Then easily edit with your particulars. Less in 5 minutes your CV would be ready.

Cover latter: click here
Philosophy of work: click here

Female  Curriculum Vitae

This is  a specially designed CV for females, There is all fields which is necessary for ladies. There is also a smart pic slot where you can easily set your picture. It is created after getting feed back from ladies.

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Male  Curriculum Vitae

This is  a unique style of CV for men, There is a place in the center for profile pic. All the fields are pre-written you just only fill it according to your specifications. It is in light black color which gives a new and sharp look.

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She  Curriculum Vitae 

This is another CV for young girls. It is designed in brown and black colors which gives a soften look. There is slot for pic and also a well organized bullets for the contents.

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Blue Blur  Curriculum Vitae

This is  a very new concept to make a CV in blue like a blur. When it is paste on white paper it give a gorgeous look. It is a objective type CV only give necessary information

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BroAng  Curriculum Vitae

This is combination of brown and orange color scheme. In this all the field are prominent and bold so that it could easily read. It is a semi-sharp CV which also colorful but not so much lush.

Click here 

Black'y  Curriculum Vitae 

This is  a specially designed black and white universal type of CV which look so reasonable and decent. It also reflect your personality. Try it by just filling the field.

Click here

Cover latter: click here
Philosophy of work: click here


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