Calculator of multiplication by function | Multiply two values by using function

// This is written by "Syed Ali Haider"
// Student of Havjery University
// Don't remove these line for legal use
// Upload on Let's programming by (CEO)
// For contact
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int function(int i, int j) // function header
       int result;
       result= i*j;
       return result; // the return variable of the function

void main ()

       cout<<"Enter the value for i: ";
       int a;
       cout<<"Enter the value for j:";
       int b;
       int result; // a variable is declare for the funcion return value

       result=function(a,b); // assign value to the function

       cout<<"Result is: "<<result<<endl; // print the result
// This is written by "Syed Ali Haider"
// Student of Havjery University
// Don't remove these line for legal use
// Upload on Let's programming by (CEO)
// For contact


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