Print and sum of following series 1! + 2! +3!.............upper limit

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main ()

       cout<<"Please enter the upper limit here:";
       int upperlimit;

       int i=1;// initialization for outer loop
       int fact=1; //initialization for factorial variable
       int sum=0; // 'O' is the identity of addition

       while (i<=upperlimit)
              cout<<i<<"! ";

                          // for remove last '+' sign
                                  if (i!=upperlimit)
                                         ; // ; means a blank statement
                     for (int j=i;j>=1;j--)

              sum=sum+fact; // for sum the following series

              fact=1; // for remove old / garbage value of variable
              i++; // increamnet of the outer loop
       cout<<"\n\nThe sum of the following series: "<<sum<<endl<<endl;



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