Variable | What is a variable ?

             The quantity whose value mat change during the execution of the program.
The variable is a named memory location which is used to store the data according to its data type.
The variable is the container which can store the data according to its capability.

A variable consisting of these thing :-

1) Data type
2) Name of variable
3) Value (in case of solid coded input)

example :-

int n;
float p;
char w;

int, float and char are the data type and n, p and w are the name of variable respectively.

In case of solid coded input 

int n=12;
float p=3.1416;
char w='A'

int, float and char are the data type and n, p and w are the name of variable respectively, and 12, 3.1416 and A is the assign values for respective variables.


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