History the C langauage

lets see the history of C language in points :

  1. C language was developed in Bell labs in between 60s and 70s by Dennie Richard.
  2. In these days (in 1967) B language and BCPL (Basic combined programming language) were developed in the Bell labs.
  3. Both B and BCPL (Basic combined programming language) languages were used to create compiler as well as early version of unix, because these were so much powerful.
  4. But these both are typeless languages (There no data type,the the type are get the memory is a word) this was the drawback which urge the developers to do something.
  5. To over come this problem Dennie Richard developed the language by combining the B and BCPL (Basic combined programming language) languages, which has different data types.This is called C language.
  6. C language is a general purpose high level language.
  7. Soon C language was being used to write the compiler and Unix os.
  8. Different universities developed their own C languages by amendments.
  9. In 1983 a technical committee was created under the ANCI (American national standard committee for computer and information ) to standardize the C language and its version. 
  10. In 1989 (After 5 years) a standard version is approved . ANSI (American national standard committee for computer and information ) and ISO (international standard organization) work to standardized C language worldwide.


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