Escape sequence | Combination of characters

The escape sequence are the combination of special characters which is used for format the output result. These are only used to format our output result not input.

The general syntax of apply the escape sequence is :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void main () {

cout<<"\t \t .....Ali Haider's program....."<<endl<<endl<<endl;

cout<<"Thank you for check my program. "<<endl<<endl<<endl;


  (Here \t is used for  Tab)

These are some of the escape sequence of C++ as under :

single quote
byte 0x27 in ASCII encoding
double quote
byte 0x22 in ASCII encoding
question mark
byte 0x3f in ASCII encoding
byte 0x5c in ASCII encoding
audible bell
byte 0x07 in ASCII encoding
byte 0x08 in ASCII encoding
form feed - new page
byte 0x0c in ASCII encoding
line feed - new line
byte 0x0a in ASCII encoding
carriage return
byte 0x0d in ASCII encoding
horizontal tab
byte 0x09 in ASCII encoding
vertical tab
byte 0x0b in ASCII encoding
arbitrary octal value
byte nnn
arbitrary hexadecimal value
byte nn
arbitrary Unicode value.
May result in several characters.
code point U+nnnn
arbitrary Unicode value.
May result in several characters.
code point U+nnnnnnnn


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