Data Structure | what is DS | What is a data structure ?

The data structure is  a organized and arranged way to store data.
The logical containers for store the data is called data structure.

           The data structures are actually the method that how store some data in the variable. The method tells us that how our data is store and how many operations are performed on the data.

Difference between data structure and data type:
           Most of the people are merge both data structure with data type. It is not right. Actually the data types are the type in which the data can be store like integers or float etc. but the data structure is the method according to which the data is stored.Remember, data structure is a hidden process.

For clear our concepts, I want to give an example:

Data type is a =egg
Data structure are the =egg tray

(As in the egg tray there are some specific place for each egg same as, data structure is the policy according which data is stored in the computer's memory )

Name of Data structures:
             There are many data structures used according to the condition on the program.

  1. Stack
  2. Queue
  3. Binary tree
and many more are the example of data structure.


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