Basic Data type | Data type in basic level | Data type

Data type:
               The data type is a principal on which the data in store in the memory. There are different data types to store different type of value. Every data type takes a specific memory in the computer memory.
These following data types are the basic data types in the C++.
àInteger data type
àFloating data type
àCharacter data type

Let’s discuss them briefly.
Integer data type:
1.      This type of data is used to store integer type value such as (o to 9).
2.      In the C++ language integer data type is show by an identifier “int”.
3.      It takes 4 byte in the computer memory.
Floating Data type:
1.      This type of data is used to store the value of decimal integer such as (2.00, 0.00002 etc.)
2.      In the C++ language floating data type is show by an identifier “float”.
3.      It takes also take four bytes in the computer’s memory.
Character data types:
1.      This type of data is used to store the character, such as (A,a,e etc.)
2.      In the C++ language character data type is show by an identifier “char”.
3.      It takes one byte in the computer memory.


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